My Favorite Things: August 2020

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I’m just going to stop commenting on how quickly the months are flying by because… they just keep flying by.

Oh well, here are a few things I’ve enjoyed or that have encouraged me this month!

Please be sure to leave a comment and share what you’ve been loving lately too, or feel free to DM me on Instagram.  I’m loving staying connected with everyone! 

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with anyone or anything on this list.  Just sharing a few of my favorite things!

Spiritual Encouragement:

Real Worship - Currently trying to soak up all the wisdom I can on this topic and this sermon by Jim Cymbala was helpful and encouraging per his usual.

Prayers for Spiritual Growth - Never underestimate the power of praying Scripture. If you’ve never done so, this is a great resource to start!

So You Want to Change the World? Start with Your Neighbor. - Absolutely loved this!

Random and Fun:

The Story of Jonah - LOL.

The Best Way to Store Fresh Berries - Wish I’d stumbled across this sooner.

Why Southerners Love Eating "Veggies" - As someone born and raised in the South, I can indeed attest that this is 100% accurate HAHAHA.

Community Love:

(By the way, none of these people asked me to share their stuff; I’m just giving a shout-out to some awesome people who are out there doing their thing, inspiring and encouraging the rest of us along the way.)

The Devil's Doubts Can't Outweigh God's Promises - “If I wasn’t in God’s will I know that doubt wouldn’t be so vivid in my life- I know the devil wouldn’t be fighting SO hard.”  This article by Moriah Rice is everything I’ve been thinking and feeling over the past several months.

3 Things to Understand Before Walking Out Your Calling - “Our culture is obsessed with... Grinding. Hustling. Getting busy. Moving and shaking. We are immersed in a society that places so much value on making moves and getting things done. So, naturally, this was the way that I was swayed as I sought to walk out my own calling.”  If you’re trying to do what God’s called you to do and you feel like you keep running into a brick wall, this article by Brandi Davis is a must read.  I related to it so much!


Racism & the Body of Christ

Christianity & Feminism

Repentance, Restoration, and Abuse in the Church

How to Know If You're Being Blessed by God or Deceived by Satan

My Book Recommendations - ICYMI, I’ve finally started a running list of my favorite reads!

What I’m Reading:

A few articles I’ve been reading and pondering…

Alone Against the Mob: Crowds, Cancel Culture, and Courage - Desiring God

When the Cultural Climate Gets Political, How Does the Church Stay Missional? - The Exchange

Dear White Friend: That Fatigue You're Feeling Might Be Grief - Propel Women

Tim Keller Makes the Case That Caring About Social Justice Doesn’t Make You a Marxist - Relevant


 What are your favorite things right now?

Drop a comment below and share!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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