My Favorite Things: June 2022

June Favorites

June! What a beautiful month it was as far as the weather is concerned. It was warm and sunny almost every day which means I enjoyed starting each day with an early morning walk. It’s also been a month of breakthroughs and realizations for me personally, and I’m so excited to see how God will continue to put together the “puzzle pieces” of my life.

Here are a few things I’ve enjoyed or that have encouraged me this month…

Did Jesus have female disciples? Loved this! (Btw we all know the answer, right? Right.)

I enjoyed this sermon on making the most of your prayer life and I especially enjoyed this one on the hope that purifies. “Hope stirs what is deepest…”

Here’s how you can be happy. “Happiness requires a lot of unhappy when you finally confront life in all of its complexities.”

I really appreciated this talk on getting real about depression and anxiety as Christians.

This essay on social media and the “pursuit of eternal life through the internet” was so, so good and thought-provoking.

I’m all for closed concept designs. Cooking is like therapy for me, so having all the noise of an open concept layout would not float my boat. (Also, I don’t want people walking into my home and immediately being able to see everything, including possible, hypothetical dirty dishes in my sink.)

A couple of how-to’s: how to abide in joy and how to have a personal revival when you need one.

My cousin sent me this video the other day and I am still laughing! The music choice is perfection.

I savored this beautiful story slowly over several days.

On taking the Lord’s name in vain without swearing.

What happens when God says no but I gotta do it anyway. LOL. Anyone else have to learn things the hard way???

Currently on my nightstand: Trusting God, Surprised by Hope, and As You Wish (as a big fan of the movie, this is one of my favorite “feel good” reads).

Speaking of books, here’s my summer reading list. What’s on yours?

What are you making for July 4th? I’m making some of my all-time favorite summer recipes: these grilled chicken burgers, these sour cream cucumbers, some homemade mac and cheese, baked beans, deviled eggs, and I’m trying this poolside sesame slaw recipe - it looks delicious! For dessert, I’m contemplating trying this yummy-looking peach crisp or I may stick to my comfort zone and make my favorite strawberry spoon cake. We shall see.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with anyone or anything on this list.  Just sharing a few of my favorite things!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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