My Favorite Things: July 2022

July Favorites

The word for July was Patience and wow, was I ever grown in that area!  As a matter of fact, I’m typing this with a slightly swollen eye as a bee decided to sting me while I was on my morning walk, and it apparently decided that just below my left eye was a great place to take aim and let me have it.

It seems July just couldn’t let me go without one more lesson in patient endurance, yet I’m curious to see how the Lord will grow me in August since the word for this month is Kindness.

Here are a few things I’ve enjoyed or that have encouraged me this month…

Do you love a good mystery? I sure do.

This meme happens to me all. the. time.

I’ve been following this technique for making the perfect hard-boiled eggs and the peeling process is now a breeze. Bring on the deviled eggs!

What things are you doing for a more human summer? I love these ideas!

I really enjoyed this article on the first female evangelists.

On trusting God: “It is often preached that we should leave the steering wheel of our lives to God. But to be honest, it often feels as if I am sitting in front of the steering wheel as a student, and God as the driving instructor next to me sometimes pulls a full stop, gently grips my steering wheel, or prompts me with subtle hints to turn off or turn around. The beauty of the driving lessons is that you are not left to your own devices, but can fall back on the wise help of the driving instructor at any moment. Even if sometimes you are corrected abruptly….”

I’m still exploring these C.S. Lewis doodles. So cool!

Sharon McMahon is doing a podcast series called Momentum; it’s about the “ripples made by ordinary people” that led to the Civil Rights Movement. It’s so well done and I’m learning so much!

Here’s an interesting listen on how the translation of “faith” in the Bible falls short.

And here’s an interesting read on the surprising evolution of dinner parties. Also, Bobby Flay’s advice on how to cook everything - some great tips (obviously)!

A friend sent me this YouVersion devotional on patience and I can’t wait to start it.

How do I keep going when I feel empty, alone, and deeply discouraged? This sermon was so good I immediately re-listened.

Here are 8 real structures that inspired the Disney castles. I knew a couple of these but not all of them - very cool!

Currently on my nightstand: The Hiding Place, Surprised by Hope, and French Women for All Seasons.

Speaking of books, here’s my summer reading list. What’s on yours?

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with anyone or anything on this list.  Just sharing a few of my favorite things!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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