My Favorite Things: June 2020

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Can you believe it’s the end of June already?! I can’t! I hope this month’s favorites are helpful and encouraging!

Please be sure to leave a comment and share what you’ve been loving lately too, or feel free to DM me on Instagram.  I’m loving staying connected with everyone during this time! 

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with anyone or anything on this list.  Just sharing a few of my favorite things!

Spiritual Encouragement:

Why God Delays Your Blessings - A powerful and encouraging sermon by Jonathan Evans on Exodus 17.

Are You Looking for a Safe and Comfortable Life? - “I think a part of us secretly hopes that if we give God everything that He’ll somehow see the great sacrifice we’ve made and will show his appreciation to us with a small return… As if. The truth is far better.” Read this article all the way to the end. Every. Single. Word. is a huge YES! So good.

How Can I Bear Others’ Burdens When I’m Buried Under My Own?

How to Recognize a Season Change

How to Survive a Sifting Season

Random and Fun:

1920 vs. 2020 - His reaction when the neighbor comes over is 100% me hahahaha.

A Genius Cleaning Tip - Totally gonna try this!!!

Regrow Your Scallions - This works! Whyyy have I not done it before?!

Community Love:

(By the way, none of these people asked me to share their stuff; I’m just giving a shout-out to some awesome people who are out there doing their thing, inspiring and encouraging the rest of us along the way.)

Tiffanie Butts - I’ve so enjoyed getting to know Tiffanie on Instagram because she is always so spiritually minded and shares whatever God puts on her heart. She has so many helpful articles, but her new one on questions to ask yourself while trying to make Godly friends is so, so good!

Chloe Akers - My amazingly talented friend Chloe has just launched her new website for her photography biz - and it is stunning! Gorgeous photos and lots of Chloe’s fun personality on every page. I know who I need to call when I’m ready to re-do my site LOL. (Jk, Chloe!)

Maneesha Grace - I’ve followed her for a while on Instagram but have only recently checked out her blog and wow! She truly has a passion for uplifting other women in the Lord. Check out this beautiful poem from her blog.


Christian Resources on Anti-Racism and Biblical Justice

8 Principles to Consider Before Leaving a Church You (Used to) Love

3 Ways of Finding Your Enneagram Type That Are Better Than Taking a Quiz

What I’m Reading:

The Source of My Strength - Charles Stanley

I’ve been spamming all my friends with excerpts from this book, and I don’t even feel bad about it because every single one of them has responded with, “I think I need to read this book!” To which, I’ve answered, “Yeah you do!” This book is everything I didn’t know I needed. I thought I’d just read the chapters on topics that applied to me and skim the rest, but I ended up devouring each chapter. Read it. You can thank me later!


 What are your favorite things right now?

Drop a comment below and share!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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