My Favorite Things: May 2020

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Are we still in isolation? It’s hard to tell here as some parts of life are trying to resume and other parts are still on hold. What hasn’t changed is the fact that God is still very much at work, and unfortunately the enemy is, too. I hope this month’s resources are helpful and encouraging!

Please be sure to leave a comment and share what you’ve been loving lately, or feel free to DM me on Instagram.  I’m loving staying connected with everyone during this time! 

Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with anyone or anything on this list.  Just sharing a few of my favorite things!

Spiritual Encouragement:

The Will of God - “The highest worship that I am capable of is when I surrender to God’s will.” Pastor Cymbala dropping truth as usual! Such an awesome sermon on “figuring out” God’s will.

Encouragement That Calms Fears - “Depression is not a sign of lack of spirituality.  It’s possible for spiritual people to get depressed.”  1 Kings 19 has always been an encouraging passage to me, so this sermon by Tony Evans is so on time and on point for me right now.

Why You Should Commit to Doing One Faith-filled Act Each Day - I read this article by Craig Groeschel a while ago, but I re-read it recently and was challenged to take my own prayers deeper and intentionally look for ways to be used by God each day.

33 Verses About Fear & Anxiety That Remind Us God Is in Control

And if you need a little more encouragement, I’ve got a couple of posts that may help:

What to Do When Satan Tries to Sift You Like Wheat

Is It Wrong to Pray for Yourself?

Random and Fun:

The Post-Quarantine Life - LOLLL.

How to Make Homemade Sauerkraut in a Mason Jar - I’ve given up on making bread and am currently trying my hand at sauerkraut because it seems… lower maintenance…? I’ll keep you posted.

Ways to Check In Without Asking “How are you doing?” - Writing all of these down!

Community Creations:

Love seeing all you’re creating!  Keep it up!  (By the way, I want to reiterate what I said in my disclaimer: None of these people asked me to share their stuff; I’m just sharing what I’ve honestly loved and been encouraged by!)

Grow from Adversity - This article by Madeleine of My Lamp Blog was so encouraging to me.

How to Discover God’s Purpose for Your Life - This helpful article by Shanté Grossett explains the difference between purpose / calling / vocation.

Emotional Undercurrent - “The Bible is not filled with fake stories that people lived that ended in rainbows. Scripture is there to remind us that we are not alone, and it is filled with promises that do not fail, even when the storm is upon us.”  The Lord dropped some beautiful and empowering words on my friend Gabriela last week, and it is exactly what He’s been teaching me lately!


How to Show Up: Pursuing Intentionality in a World of “You-Do-You”  - Absolutely loved this!

12 Journal Prompts on Dreams and Goals in the Midst of Uncertainty

On Race Relations:

25+ Resources for Christians Learning About Race Relations - This massive list of resources by Phylicia Masonheimer is so helpful.

The Dangers of the “I Don’t See Color” Mentality - “Seeing in color means a few things. It’s seeing people the way God made them - seeing them in their fullness.”

For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies - Another helpful article from Sojourner Magazine.

The Fight Against Racial Injustice - A call to action and tips from Elle Cardel and Theo Davis.

And Carlos Whittaker has been sharing invaluable insights and practical ways to help in his IGTV videos. Let’s listen and learn!

What I’m Reading:

Called to Be God's Leader - Not sure why, but I’ve been drawn to the topic of leadership lately, and as I was studying the life of Joshua with a friend of mine, this book came along and I absolutely devoured it. It’s another one by Henry Blackaby similar to the one on Abraham I read last month, and it’s been such an amazing read! Highly recommend!

Violets for Mr. B - Still reading this one from last month because I got so caught up in studying the life of Joshua I put it on hold haha. (If you can find a copy of this gem by Margaret Jensen, it’s worth the read!  Very slice of life, very inspiring, and full of charming stories of a day gone by.  I first read it as a college student and am really enjoying going through it again as my unwind-before-bed book.)


 What are your favorite things right now?

Drop a comment below and share!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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