Autumn Reflections

Autumn Reflections

Are the leaves changing or are they being changed?  Or both?  

That’s how this season has been for me: I’m changing while being changed.

My new green growth has been “set on fire” and tested causing it to burn bright red, orange, and yellow, and I know the One who is doing the testing and proving will bring me forth as gold.

He is doing the changing of my colors, yet I am not resisting the change, nor am I resisting the necessary testing that is bringing about the change.

Like the leaves, I am changing and being changed.

“But he knows where I am going.

    And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.

For I have stayed on God’s paths;

    I have followed his ways and not turned aside.”

- Job 23:10-11 (NLT)

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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