5 Devotionals to Help You Grow Spiritually

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Ah devotionals.  Christians seem to love ‘em or hate ‘em.  Some Christians are constantly on the hunt for a new one; other Christians are firmly in the “I Don’t Read Devotionals; I Read My Bible” Camp.

Devotionals can be a powerful tool to go along with our daily Bible reading.  The problem is many devotionals, especially those targeted at women, are fluffy and shallow.  That’s why some Christians won’t read them and prefer a Bible-only approach to quiet times.  That’s also why some Christians go from devotional to devotional to devotional because so many devotionals don’t offer any lasting support beyond the initial reading (if at all).

Two things to remember when choosing a devotional:

1. A good devotional will be rooted in the truth of Scripture and will point the reader back to God’s Word, inspiring the reader to dive into the Bible and study it further.

2. Devotionals do not replace Scripture.  Reading a devotional should never take the place of reading God’s Word.

So what are some solid devotionals?  I’d like to share a few devotionals I’ve read and used over the years.  Some of them I go through regularly or yearly.

Newer Devotionals:

New Morning Mercies 

Paul David Tripp

This is a great devotional for new believers or believers who have been surrounded by fluffy teachings in the past and are ready to transition into more solid teaching.  It’s grounded in the Gospel and offers a Scripture passage to read with each day’s entry.  You’ll walk away with a better understanding of basic theology and basic doctrines of sin, grace, and other areas of the believer’s sanctification.

Who I Am in Christ

Neil T. Anderson

This is another devotional that would be perfect for new believers or those who want to become more rooted in their identity in Christ.  If there was some sort of required reading for every believer, this one would definitely be on my list.  The author explains who we are in Christ in understandable language and always points back to Scripture. The chapters are short but meaty.

Classic Devotionals:

My Utmost for His Highest

Oswald Chambers

This is probably the most well-known (and perhaps even the most well-loved?) devotional out there.  It’s a collection of excerpts from Oswald Chambers’ teachings that his wife compiled after his death.  Since it was originally written and published a long time ago, the language and wording may be challenging to understand, so I recommend getting the updated version as it’s easier to read.  You can read today’s entry and more about the devotional here.

Streams in the Desert

Lettie Cowman

If you’re in a challenging season, this devotional “for the weary traveler” may be perfect for you.  I’ve been through it many times and always walk away encouraged and uplifted.  It was compiled by Lettie Cowman, a missionary who put together inspirational writings from various Christian authors and teachers while she was taking care of her terminally ill husband.  Again, I recommend the updated version for better understanding and readability.  You can read today’s entry here.

Faith’s Checkbook

Charles Spurgeon

I’m sure you recognize the author of this one, so I don’t even need to explain what a gem this devotional is.  Spurgeon’s theme in this devotional is presenting God’s promises in Scripture to Him in prayer, just like depositing a check into your bank account.  He encourages the reader to view God’s promises as checks that can be deposited at any time because God always keeps His promises.  As with all the other classic devotionals mentioned, make sure to get an updated version.  You can read today’s entry here.

(Note:  Spurgeon’s most popular devotional is Mornings and Evenings, and I’ve heard it’s wonderful, but I haven’t personally read it, so that’s why I didn’t list it.  You can read today’s entry here.)

What devotionals do you recommend?  Have you read any of the ones above?  Leave a comment and share - I’d love to know!

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Hi! I'm Abigail, your real-talk Christian life coach and faith mentor. I believe we're on this earth for a reason, and I LOVE helping people realize and live that truth so that they can reach their God-given potential in all areas of life.  

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