5 Books for New Christians

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In many ways, it was a real challenge for me to narrow down a list of book recommendations for new believers, but I tried to choose the areas I thought a new believer would benefit from studying, and from there, I chose some books to cover each topic: spiritual growth, identity in Christ, the Bible, prayer, and spiritual disciplines. I included a few other books on topics such as the Holy Spirit, understanding grace, etc. at the end of this article that would also be great for new believers.

5 Books for New Christians:

Growing Your Faith: How to Mature in Christ 

Jerry Bridges

If I had to choose just one book to recommend to a new Christian, it would be this one.  I actually read it myself recently and was challenged and encouraged in my own spiritual walk, and kept thinking, “Why didn’t I read this years ago?!”  It beautifully explains how to move past the basics to become more like Christ and touches on all of the areas mentioned above, as well as many other areas of the Christian life.  If you’re a new believer looking for a book that will help you start or deepen your new life with God, or if you’re looking for a book to give a new believer, this is the book you’ll want to get.

Who I Am in Christ

Neil T. Anderson

One of the most important things for every Christian to understand is our new identity in Christ, and that’s what this book is all about. It’s designed to be a 30 day devotional, so the chapters are short and easy to read. This would also be a great gift for a new believer.

The Transforming Word

Dr. Tony Evans

This book will teach you what you need to know about the Bible, including where it came from, why we can trust it, and how to not just apply it but to be changed by it.  Dr. Evans explains Biblical concepts with relatable, easy-to-grasp illustrations and explanations, so this is the perfect book for a new Christian who wants to understand and be transformed by their time in the Word.

How to Listen to God

Dr. Charles Stanley

Prayer is a crucial part of spiritual growth, but many times we have a difficult time discerning God’s voice and knowing if He’s speaking to us.  This is a great book for any believer who wants to learn to recognize God’s voice and how He speaks to us, but it’s especially great for new Christians as Dr. Stanley also excels at breaking down and explaining spiritual concepts.

Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines

David Mathis

This book teaches the basics of Christian living, such as prayer, Bible study and meditation, communion, fellowship with other believers, etc. and how these spiritual disciplines are a way that Christians receive God’s grace.  I also read this book recently and was both challenged and encouraged in my own walk.

A few other books that may be helpful to new believers:

Abide: Understanding the Secrets of Living for Jesus - Warren Wiersbe

In the Grip of Grace: You Can’t Fall Beyond His Love - Max Lucado

Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit - Dr. Charles Stanley

Understanding the Ways of God - Henry Blackaby

What books would you recommend to a new believer or what books were helpful to you when you were young in the faith?  Leave a comment below and share!

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