On Observing Lent

On Observing Lent

I’m probably doing this wrong.  I wasn’t raised in a tradition that observed Lent.  I had never even really heard much about it until a friend I’d met at a summer job in college asked what I was giving up for Lent.

“I’m giving up coffee,” she said.

“So it’s like a fast?” I asked.

“Sort of.”

She talked a bit more about it and then listed some things people usually give up.

“Um, ok, I’ll give up sweets,” I decided.

On Simple Joys and Slow Seasons

On Simple Joys and Slow Seasons

The other day, I sent a meme to a friend (meme-sending is my love language), and after sending back a laughing emoji, he asked, “How are you doing?”

In slower seasons of life, when I’m in a time of transition or waiting on God to open a door, I hate answering this question because I always want to share something new or exciting that’s happening.  So to avoid answering with what I feel, (“My life is going nowhere!”) I usually respond with something like, “Oh, you know, same as always.”  After I’d said that I asked him, “How have you been?” and his response caught me off guard.