My Summer 2024 Reading List


My Summer Reading List

Summer is my favorite for a reason: time to slow down and enjoy the long days ahead! And what better way to enjoy a day than to read at every possible opportunity?

I’m reading three books by Eugene Peterson (I’m on a kick, what can I say?), and I’m really taking my time going through them, underlining and rereading parts again and again for full absorption. This is a refreshing change for me because I usually just rush on to the next book, but there’s so much to soak up here I really can’t do that this time ‘round!

A lot of the other books are ones I’ve picked up at Goodwill or the Little Free Library near me. I realize most of my fiction choices are young adult / children’s levels, but I’ve tried reading several adult fiction books lately that were a little too adult for my taste, if you know what I mean. Also, I don’t want a really intense storyline to follow; I’m looking for cozy reads that will help me unwind at the end of the day. These books fit that bill for me.

Here’s what I’m reading this summer…

Spiritual Growth:

Answering God - Eugene Peterson

Leap Over a Wall* - Eugene Peterson

Under the Unpredictable Plant - Eugene Peterson


The Warmth of the Heart Prevents Your Body from Rusting - Marie De Hennezel


Save Me the Plums - Ruth Reichl

These Precious Days - Ann Patchett

Who Will Wind the Clock?** - Margaret Jensen


The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

Picture-Perfect Mystery - Ruth Logan Herne

Gidget - Frederick Kohner

Cherry Ames: Student Nurse - Helen Wells

The Nancy Drew Series - Carolyn Keene

The Boxcar Children Series - Gertrude Chandler Warner

What are you reading this summer?

*I read this one this past winter and absolutely loved it. I wanted to reread it right away, but I made myself wait til summer to see if it still grabbed me the same way.

**This gem is sadly out of print, so if you see it (or any of her books) for a reasonable price, grab it!

(This is not a sponsored post and I’m not affiliated with anyone or anything in it. I also sometimes read books by authors whose views I may not agree with, either theologically or politically.)

Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

More Books:


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